Residential Services

Bass River has been operating residential programs since 1979. During this time, we have grown from one program to eleven. Back in 1979 the central role of residential programming was to help people to live as fully and as independently as possible in their home and in their communities. Decades later this continues to be our central role.

Each program is mandated to provide services that enhance individuals’ physical, mental and social skills. These
Support Areas include, but are not limited to health maintenance, personal care skills, home care skills, community access, community independence, social skills and the provision of other ancillary service identified in the Individual Support Plans. The specifics of skill training will vary from program to program and from individual to individual and even over time for any particular individual. This is because the specifics are always determined by each unique individual and their unique skills, needs and interests.

The overall goal of any residential program is twofold: 1. Provide each individual with the least restrictive program possible and 2. Prepare individuals for movement to less restrictive programs. Basically, the purpose is to provide a challenge to the individuals that will encourage them to attain their maximum potential.

Over the decades Bass River has continually upgraded or moved to upgrade each residential program. Upgrades are either intended to provide a more convenient and aesthetically pleasing home or to meet the changing needs of the individuals living in them. For example, many of our current residents are aging and mobility is increasingly a concern. Bass River has made several modifications to several programs to support individuals in meeting the mobility challenges that aging presents them with.